But he knows where everything is. From a stack of folders that reaches
halfway up a wall, he smartly plucks the one he wants. The stacks are
everywhere. the legal pads and cassette tapes are everywhere. The
books fill tall shelves along three walls and cover the desk, a table
and much of the floor. There is a massive file cabinet stuffed with
documents so old and densely packed they may be ready to ignite
spontaneously. Heat and light. There is no formal system to help him
track the material in the room. He uses hand and eye, color and shape
and memory, the configuration of suggestive things that link an object
to its contents.
-- Don DeLillo Libra (1988) p.14-15
Walter ['Win'] Everett: "The more complex the systems, the less
conviction in people. Conviction will be drained out of us. Devices
drain us, make us vague and pliant."
-- Don DeLillo Libra (1988) p.77