A Commonplace Book

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My role as a teacher is to bring those texts to the students and hope that they snag something in their minds so that the information flow slows or even comes to a momentary stop. If I can draw students into the literary world of 400 to 500 years ago -- even briefly -- their present can become richer and more complex, if not more efficient. A student who has come to grips with a text from another culture from many centuries ago no longer perceives the present in quite the same way. The awareness of the complexity of a difficult text from a foreign culture leads to an awareness of the complexity that marks our present culture. That makes for a less-efficient consumer of facile marketing and political spin; but that inefficiency makes for a richer individual and a more responsible citizen.
-- Michael Randall "A Guide to Good Teaching: Be Slow and Inefficient" The Chronicle of Higher Education December 8, 2000
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