The encyclopedia wand's a theoretical puzzle, like Zeno's
paradox. The idea is t'engrave the entire encyclopedia onto a
single toothpick.... You take your information, your
encyclopedia text, and you transpose it into numerics. You
assign everything a two-digit number, periods and commas
included. 00 is blank, A is 01, B is 02, and so on. then after
you've lined them all up, you put a decimal point before the
whole lot. So now you've got a very long sub-decimal fraction.
0.173000631... Next, you engrave a mark at exactly that point
along the toothpick. if 0.500000's your exact middle on the
toothpick, then 0.3333's got t'be a third of the way from the
tip.... That's how you can fit data of any length in a single
point on a toothpick. Only theoretically, of course. No
existin' technology can actually engrave so fine a point.
-- Haruki Murakami. Hard-Boilded Wonderland (284-5)