FOX News, the FOX News Channel, FOX Business Network, FOX News Radio,
FOX News Headlines 24/7 and is the most extreme example of
a media propaganda machine that intentionally distorts and misinforms
the public for unapologetically ideological reasons. The real goal of
FOX News (besides profit) is to gradually influence and shape a very
selective audience by constantly reaffirming right-wing perspectives,
ideas and conspiracies. In so doing it emboldens and legitimates the
rank prejudices of a significant number of Americans. What is crucial
to understand here is that it could only have been from the cover of a
more venerable tradition of news reporting that Rupert Murdoch was
able to reconstitute the notion of 'news' as little more than a
partisan expression of right-wing ideology—ornamented by high heels,
short skirts and celebrity 'news' personalities, and funded by a deep
pocketed chairman and CEO who is able to secure unprecedented access
to powerful political and other influential figures.