Huang Yao-shi [Tony Ka Fai Leung]: Someone I met recently gave me
this bottle of wine. She said this wine is magic. One cup and you'll
forget your past. I thought it was nonsense. How could such a wine
exist? She said the root of man's problem is memory. Without a past,
everyday would be a new beginning. Wouldn't that be great?
Ou-yang Feng [Leslie Cheung]: People say, when you can't have
what you want, the best you can do is not to forget.
Ou-yang Feng [Leslie Cheung]: The harder you try to forget
something, the more it will stick in your memory. Once I heard someone
say that if you have to lose something, the best way to keep it is to keep
it in your memory.
-- Kar-Wai Wong (w/d),
Louis Cha (novel), "Ashes of Time" (movie, 1994).