Providing Social Science Data Services:
Strategies for Design and Operation

ICPSR August 2012

A few classics

Ambacher, Bruce I. (ed). Thirty Years of Electronic Records. Scarecrow Press, 2003.

"Data Libraries for the Social Sciences.” Heim, Kathlein M., issue editor, Library Trends 30 (Winter 1982).

Fienberg, S., M. Martin, and M. Straf, eds. Sharing Research Data. Washington, D.C.: National Academic Press, 1985.

IASSIST Quarterly (all issues) 

"Machine-Readable Social Science Data," Drexel Library Quarterly 13 (January 1977).

"Numeric Databases," Drexel Library Quarterly 18 (Summer/Fall 1982).

Sieber, Joan E., ed. Sharing Social Science Data:  Advantages and Challenges. Newbury Park:  Sage, 1991“Statistical Literacy,” Of Significance: A Topical Journal of the Association of Public Data Users (Inaugural Issue, 1999).

White, Howard D., ed. Reader in Machine-Readable Social Data. Englewood:  Information Handling Services, 1977.

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